Elder Colton

Elder Colton

Monday, September 9, 2013

"The Work of the Lord is Hastening"

Hola mi familia y mis amigos,

Well...surprise: I was already transferred, and on Wednesday will be transferred again.  Last Monday night at 9:00, our missionary president, President Hansen, called me and told me that Tuesday morning I would be leaving Glendale and heading up to Farmington to serve as an English missionary.  So right now I'm serving in Farmington.  I went from covering half of a spanish branch (congregation) to covering three english stakes (which is the equivalent of 25 congregations).  A little bit different.  Glendale is sort of the ghetto of Salt Lake and Farmington is the Johns Creek.  Basically like going from downtown Atlanta to Johns Creek. 

But its been a great change.  I've loved it with all my heart up here. (And on that note, don't send any letters for a week or so until you get my new address).  My last companions promised to forward any letters that were already sent. 

And on Wednesday, I'll be moving up to Layton to serving with Elder Thevenin again (I served with a year ago in South Salt Lake).  And I'm staying in English, which is exactly what I've been hoping and praying for.  We've had some great experiences.

On Saturday night, a member from one of the wards called us and asked us to come to his house for dinner at 7:00 on Sunday.  He told us that his sister-in-law wanted to meet with us. 

When we got there, we met Nate and Jordan (a young couple from the ward), along with Jordan's little sister, Kinsie.  Jordan grew up here in Utah and was baptized three years ago when a friend invited her to church on the pretense that there were cute guys there.  Nate is a returned missionary who served in El Salvador.  Kinsie is a senior in high school and hasn't grown up in really any religion but has always believed in God.  Her sister had shared a lot with her about hte Gospel.  And she is legit.  She had already decided she wants to be baptized and basically just asked us to help her get ready. 

As we share the Gospel with our friends and invite them to learn more, they will accept that invitation.  Pray about how to share with specific people and God will answer you.  Ask the missionaries for ideas.  If they are good missionaries, they will help you invite your friends, not try to go around you to reach your friends.  Ask me for suggestions if you have any questions.  The work of the Lord is hastening.  I see it everyday and I hope you can see it to. 

Love ya'll,

-Elder Colton

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