Elder Colton

Elder Colton

Monday, July 30, 2012

No More Coffee for Lilia

Hola mi familia y mis amigos,
Well greetings from Rose Park for the fourth transfer in a row (a transfer is 6 weeks).  I still get to stay in my first area for another transfer.  It's been fun because most of the members remember very well when I first got here and couldn't speak a word of spanish to them.
Exciting week ahead of us.  This coming Saturday, Lilia and three of her children will be baptized.  We had an amazing experience with them this past week as we taught them the Word of Wisdom. 
Brief Summary: Very simple, the Word of Wisdom is the thing that everyone knows about Mormons even though they don't know they know it.  How many of you know that Mormons don't drink or smoke?  Probably most of you.  The Word of Wisdom is commandment that God has given us to protect our bodies and keep them healthy just like God wants.  It involves two parts: keep your body healthy through diet and exercise, and not doing things that will mess your body up.  The first half is rather self explanatory.  The second half involves five things that God doesn't want us to put in our body or use: tobacco, coffee, alcohol, tea, and drugs.  Back to Lilia...
As we started to talk about the Word of Wisdom, Lilia looked at Eduardo and started to chuckle.  They then explained that Eduardo had told Lilia that if she wanted to be baptized, she couldn't drink coffee anymore.  So they had a family council about it before we ever talked about it and made the easy decision that the benefits far outweigh the costs.  Bascially, before we even taught the Word of Wisdom, they had already decided to follow it.  A lot of people we teach (and probably a lot people reading this, both those who are members of the LDS church and those who aren't) probably don't understand parts of the Word of Wisdom, especially the tea and coffee part.  This is the best explanation I've heard about it: because God says so.  If you want to ask him why, go for it.  He answers our prayers so if we ask him about it, he'll let us know in our heart that he doesn't want us to use those things.  As Kevin (my younger brother) and I grew up, we always lived the Word of Wisdom.  And to be quite honest, it showed when it came to the sports field.  I won't try to deny that fact that I was good (before my weight gained on my mission) and he still is good.  I remember very well during lacrosse practice that he and I would almost always be near the front of our mile run before practice.  Although most of the guys on our team would say that's because "we cared more" or "worked out more in the off-season", I have no doubt that a huge part of it was because God blessed us with health because we lived the Word of Wisom.  Even if you're not a member of our church, try living the Word of Wisdom.  What's the harm in trying?  You'll notice a difference in your life. 
So as Lilia, Ishmael, Eduardo, and Miranda prepare for their baptism this week, please keep them in your prayers. Pray that they will be protected from bad influences that will try to convince them that they shouldn't follow Christ.  Please pray that Alex (the crazy two year old) won't jump in the baptismal font :) And please pray that Lilia's oldest daughter will have her heart softened.
Love you all,
-Elder Colton
ps. I have a plee to go out to all of the world (or at least the one's who read my letters).  Nearly every Monday we hold Family Home Evenings with both members of our ward (congregation) and investigators.  (A Family Home Evening is a hour each week when familes spend time playing a game, having a spiritual thought/lesson, and having a good time as a family).  Please, please, please send ideas for games for Family Home Evenings.  Basically any game that doesn't involve a lot materials (unless we can make the materials ourselves) are perfect.  Send them either to my mom in an email or to my address in a letter.

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