Elder Colton

Elder Colton

Monday, December 17, 2012

Prayers for Lucio

Hola mi familia y mis amigos,
Well this week there is bunches to tell about, so I'll split it into three main parts:
1. Lynette was baptized on Saturday and it was incredible.  She invited all of her friends to come and nearly 70 people were at the baptism (normally there are 10-20).  Apart from the the baptismal font deciding to fill incredibe slowly and thus not being completely full for the baptism, everything went perfect.  It's an odd feeling to realize just how simple of a decision it is to be baptized, yet just how profound of a change it creates.  And it all started with one 18 year old talking with her best friend about God.

2. This week I need your help.  Each and every person who is reading this: I NEED YOUR HELP. Hopefully that grabbed your attention enough. 
One of the people we're teaching right now is a 17 year old boy named Lucio.  He's a stud and wants to be baptized.  Last night we went to Temple Square with him and while we were there, he said "I've already made my decision [about being baptized] and no-one can change that.  The only thing I'm waiting for is my mom."  Lucio's mom, Monica, lives in California and works everyday.  She wasn't planning on coming to visit for Christmas because she needs to work all next week. 
This is the point we are at right now:
1. There are two 22 year olds who have already served missions who said they will drive to California to pick up Lucio's mom
2. There are people who said they will pay for the gas, hotel, and the bus ride on her way home
3. Lucios says he will be baptized as soon as his mom gets here
There is only one thing left: Lucio's mom getting three days off of work.  That, right now, doesn't seem likely because of her schedule.  But, thankfully God really enjoys doing stuff that doesn't seem likely (examples: my baby cousin DJ living when she was born with basically half a heart, Mike Rettker not having failed out of school, plus all sorts of other miracles that ya'll can think of).  It would be fairly easy for God to give Monica three days off of work.  
So here is where you come in: We can't change God's will, but with our faith and prayer we can unlock blessings that he has held reserve.  So please pray for that this coming week.  Please pray that Monica will have three days off of work so that she will come to Utah to watch her son's baptism.  I know it's possible.  All God wants to do is shape the character of His children and bless us in the process.  It would change the lives of both Lucio and his mom immensely if she comes for his baptism.  Christmas is the only time of year where this is a solid possibility.  So...will you pray for Monica so that she will come to Utah for Luico's baptism?  If you say yes, thank you.  If you say no, then repent, say yes, and now I'll thank you :) It's going to happen.
Love ya'll,
-Elder Colton
And I haven't done any shout-outs for awhile but Grammie and Granddad definitely get one for this week.  They sent me a ham.  Yes, a Honey-Bake Ham.  Along with all sorts of other goodies (cinamon apple slices, etc.)  Not exactly what I was expecting when I got home for the evening, but very much appreciated.  It was exactly what both my companion and I needed on that exact day.     

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mishap with Letters

Hola mi familia y mis amigos,

Good news and bad news: 

Bad news first...I have recently discovered that some letters that have been sent to me over the past few months never arrived.  Unfortunately, letters get sent to our homes.  So when a missionary changes homes, the missionaries who lived there before him are supposed to give the letter to zone leaders and they are supposed to  pass the letters on.  But, it probably doesn't come as a shock that missionaries aren't exactly dilligent about that.  If you have sent a letter and haven't received a response it means one of three things: 

1. The missionaries in my old house lost it
2. I don't love you enough to respond 
3. I just forgot to respond and put the letter in my box

In the Spirit of Christmas, I think we should all just go with reason number one and forgive little old me if it was my fault.  How about it?


This past I was able to get to know Lynette much better (the one I mentioned in my letter last week)...  

She's freshmen in college here in Utah and had a few Mormon friends in High School.  Growing up she had a strong belief in God but came from a less-than-ideal family situation.  She grew up fairly independent and makes most of her decisions on her own, but still tells her parents about most things and listens to (not necessarily follows) their advice.  (Sounds like every college student on the planet...sorry Mom and Dad :) It's true)

When her friend, Ari,  first talked with her about meeting with the missionaries, she agreed mostly out of curiosity.  Let's face it: most people know some Mormon people but don't really know too much about the actually beliefs.  (I guess now is a good time to clear up one little fact: No, we don't have a seven wives!).  But as missionaries, we don't just teach people about our Church.  We help people increase their belief in God, change their lives so they follow his commandments, and them promise to follow him for the rest of their lives (which is what baptism symbolizes).  

Lynette realized that she wanted to do just that.  Obviously she still doesn't know too much about our Church.  She still has a whole lot of questions.  But she's felt in her heart (through the Holy Spirit) that this is right.  She wants to promise God that she will follow Him by being baptized.  

One of her best friends leaves home for his mission on December 19th for some far away country (sigh...).  So she decided to get baptized right before he leaves, which means that on Saturday at 1:00, she is going to be baptized.  (Picture to come next week).  

Her friend who introduced her to the church, Ari, is freaking out a little bit (to say the least).  But it's been a cool experience.  All it took was one friend loving her friend enough to talk about God with her, plus the other friend being curious enough and having a sincere enough heart to accept it.  

Love ya'll,
-Elder Colton

ps. Chances are that Lynette or Ari will stumble upon this blog at some point or another.  If you do, I hope I explained this all well enough.  And let's face it Ari, you are totally freaking out.  

Monday, December 3, 2012

No Greater Joy

Hola mi familia y mis amigos
Karina was baptized on Sunday! (That is the first exclamation point I have put in an email...so let that be a sign of how wonderful this is because words don't really describe it).  Last tuesday evening, Elder Thevenin and I went to visit her.  She had told us last Sunday that she wanted to be baptized but didn't want to choose a date yet.  So on Tuesday, we just asked her when she felt comfortable with it.  We handed her our phone to look at the calender and she said, "I've always liked the number two."  At first we assumed she meant in January, but then she said "but it's only in five days, can I be ready by then?" 
The sweet joy and peace that came over us when we heard her say that made me want to be a missionary forever.  Even thought I left that area on Wednesday (more to come on that) I was able to go back for her baptism.  Only Karina was baptized (Pablo is still taking his time) but she knows without a doubt that this is what God wants for her. 
Karina's baptism just reaffirmed to me how much Heavenly Father loves us.  He wants everyone of us to return with him and to do so, we need to be baptized by His authority into His Church.  Karina had made that step and now I get to be part of this great change in her life.     

My new companion is Elder Rasmussen from Liberty, Missouri.  He's been out about a year and a half, which feels weird because its the first time since May that I have a companion who has more time on his mission than me. 
We're serving in Layton, UT now which feels weird because it's the first time I'm outside of Salt Lake City for more than a year.  We're part of the Layton 3rd Ward. 
On Saturday, Elder Rasmussen introduced me to one of the people they are currently teaching.  Her name is Lynette and she is going to college right now. Her best friend, Ari, is a member of our congregation but growing up they never talked too much about religion (from what I understand).  Lynette knew that Ari was a Mormon and they had talked about it a little but not too much. 
But Ari decided to introduce the missionaries to Lynette and she agreed to meet so she could learn a little more.  Lynette agreed because she was curious about her friend's religion.  More to come later...
Love ya'll,
-Elder Colton
ps. If you haven't been to Mormon.org/Christmas you should check it out.  It might help you or your friends remember more about Christmas and less about the glitter and gadgets that come out in December